
PREVENT is a group of students, staff, and faculty who work to end relationship and sexual violence through peer education. We believe that ending violence is everyone’s business! We teach Bystander Intervention techniques for a variety of situations in order to empower others. PREVENT is open to everyone! We emphasize collaboration among all genders to end relationship and sexual violence.

What do PREVENT members do?
  • Practice interventions - Each meeting, we discuss our "bystander moments of the week", moments where we or someone else intervened or could have intervened, in order to brainstorm more bystander intervention options.
  • Educate others about bystander intervention. We use the information we learn in PREVENT in presentations but also in informal settings, sharing accurate information about sexual and relationship violence and resources for victims or supportive others.
  • Know about resources for friends and classmates.
  • Plan events to increase awareness of relationship and sexual violence in our communities. Each year, PREVENT participates in Safe Quarters and Lincoln Slut Walk, and collaborates with OASIS, the Ethics Center, and other groups to create interesting events.
  • Make Change - Each person who learns how to intervene in relationship or sexual violence can teach others, transforming UNL into a national example of a safe campus community.
Why do students get involved with PREVENT?
  • Because they want to make UNL a safer place - 16% of UNL students who reported intervening when they saw someone being taken advantage of sexually said they did so because "It was the right thing to do" and "People should look out for each other."
  • Because they know a victim - Being involved in PREVENT tells people who have experienced sexual or relationship violence that you support them and speak out against victim blaming.
  • Because no one should have to be afraid of their romantic partner - 21% of college students report dating violence by their current partner and 32% by a previous partner.
  • Because they want to know how to intervene in unsafe situations - 83% of UNL students said they wanted to learn how to safely intervene when they see someone being taken advantage of sexually.
  • Because they want to develop their speaking skills - PREVENT members did 58 presentations to over 3800 people between July 1, 2014 and June 30, 2015. Our training plus plenty of opportunities = Great Experience.
How can you get involved?
  • Join our Listserv to receive weekly updates about meeting times and locations, events, opportunities for involvement, and bystander intervention trainings.
  • Attend a PREVENT meeting - At our meetings we discuss our "bystander moments of the week", moments where we or someone else intervened or could haveintervened, in order to brainstorm more bystander intervention options. We learn about bystander intervention techniques, local resources for victims, and promoting safety and healthy relationships through presentations and discussions. Follow our social media (@UNLPREVENT) to find out about our upcoming meeting dates/locations.
  • Attend a bystander intervention training - Become trained in bystander intervention and learn how to train others as a presenter. Check the Listerv for upcoming training sessions or email prevent@unl.edu for more information.
  • Request a presentation - Bring PREVENT to your class, residence hall floor or RSO.
    • Click hereto read descriptions of and request one of our available presentations.
  • Attend events to increase awareness of relationship and sexual violence in our communities. Each year, PREVENT participates in Safe Quarters and Lincoln Slut Walk, and collaborates with OASIS, the Ethics Center, and others to create interesting events.
How Can You Use Your Voice

A campus-wide survey in 2014 showed that 95% of students were extremely bothered by someone being taken advantage of. However, only 73% of participants agreed that other students were equally bothered. This means 22% of participants thought that they were the only ones bothered by someone being taken advantage of. It makes sense, because so often we don’t talk about these things. When a conversation is started, though, those people will feel empowered to intervene in negative situations, knowing that others are on their side. It’s time to start the dialogue.

There are so many ways to prevent sexual assault. That's what the Use Your Voice campaign is all about. Although we would love for you to attend a Prevent meeting or have a bystander training night at your organization, taking the time to listen and/or contribute to the many voices of this campaign already adds to your knowledge of bystander intervention.

Examples of how to Use Your Voice:

  • Directly:
    • Talk to the person exhibiting concerning behavior
    • Distract the person or suggest an alternative outlook
    • Open a conversation to change attitudes
  • Indirectly:
    • Ask others for help or ideas for intervention
    • Support the person being affected
    • Provide the affected person with materials or resources later
    • Make a plan for the next time you witness this behavior
    • Contribute to the Use Your Voice Campaign by pledging to speak out against relationship and sexual violence Pledge Your Voice